Drama Club Subsidiary
owned and operated by chaon eon



Chaon Eon started out as a member of The Drama Club. Initially Chaon Eon was just a member who played with The Drama Club as a band member. He started editing not long after and much to Penelope Lane's advice of editing a duet first, he didn't listen and started with an octet song and spent weeks if not months trying to make it work. It did not work, thus Chaon sat in the background and still enjoyed the bard scene, still editing songs and learning along the way.

He got lucky with his first successful song edit and tried to replicate the success with others but with little progress.Through months of trial and error, determination and just listening to bards, everything just clicked in Chaon's little Lalafell head after Akane Yamamoto fed him after midnight. You never feed Chaon after midnight.Overtime, Chaon has expanded the band from having only 4 members of the Multidimensional Chaon Brigade, serving as Hype crew for several bands of the WhisperLeaf Record Company, to 6 members plus 3 related members. ChaonVision was born.

Also the winner of EGT Season 5.

Musical Profile

Our musical profile ranges from dance music, downtempo, pop, with some excursions into other genres.

And particularly,
w h i p l a s h


Thanks to the following people of the Final Fantasy 14 community, without their support, we would not be who we are today without them.

Penelope Lane
Akane Yamamoto
Raya Soleil
Dizzy Shasha
Charlotte Darling
Vanila Creme
Vanessa Silva
Other very awesome people

Musical Profile

Donec quis fringilla arcu lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam. Consequat adipiscing phasellus rhoncus volutpat. Suspendisse dictum volutpat orci sit amet consequat. Duis fermentum urna et ligula lacinia faucibus efficitur.

1234 Somewhere Road
Nashville, TN 00000
[email protected]




Chaon Eon

The head member of ChaonVision, where it got it's name.
At a whopping 1.06 yalms, Chaon has so much chaos, his Lalafell body can't contain it.
Lover of puns, pranks, open fridges, and fancy coffee.
Together with the rest of the Multidimensional Chaon Brigade, they will steal your wallet, as long as Hana isn't watching.


Chaon Eon

Lover of tuba, whiplash, and more whiplash

The head member of ChaonVision, where it got it's name.
At a whopping 1.06 yalms, Chaon has so much chaos, his Lalafell body can't contain it.
Lover of puns, pranks, open fridges, and fancy coffee.
Together with the rest of the Multidimensional Chaon Brigade, they will steal your wallet, as long as Hana isn't watching.

Hana Murasaki

The wrangler of MCB, the discipliner of Chaon(s), the Meddler of Multidimensional Chaon Brigade (MoMCB), Hana Murasaki. Often puts Chaon in timeout, and runs the band for him.


Soojin Hwang

Soojin is a former pop star from Eulmore. Founding and lead member in the minorly successful idol group With Love with her band members Nehzo Reilko, Nina Travers, and Sunve Kisne. With many of the band's top songs written by Soojin.Soojin lost her spark for the band and music over the band's limited popularity. It was pretty apparent as her performance during concerts dwindled, her absence from band vlogs, and the songs she wrote were often rejected by the band management. Soojin left With Love and was not a surprise to anyone in the group or the band's fans, but had expressed her thanks to her band members and fans for supporting her from the beginning. Thus, Soojin was off to start a new chapter but did not know where to go from here.

Venturing around New Gridania, she witnessed something... different. The slow, chill strums of an unfamiliar instrument. The cheers. The sea of yellow glowsticks. She carefully waded through the crowd to greeted with her very first bard band, The Drama Club. She was in awe that the band were making this crowd so moved, the harmonies of live instruments. When the song ended, they didn't start another one. The whole crowd moved just 20 paces to the left and shuffled Soojin with them. There the crowd sat, in front of this light blue dressed band. She sees this band setup and was about to start, until one of the Lalafell band members inhaled and let out the loudest tuba note that rattled even the building further down. "NOE", one of them yelled as the Lalafell grinned back at him. The crowd was laughing and they seemed used to this band's antics. She couldn't help but laugh as well. It was a breath of fresh air as such play would be a no-no in With Love on stage. Throughout the night, some bard bands stopped playing but were still present to support their friends. She was an instant fan of this event, the people, and stayed until the very last bard band played their last note for the night.She was about to go home but she noticed one of the light blue dressed Lalafell bards was asleep, by herself. She looked around and there were no other light blue bards around. Concerned as she couldn't just leave her there, so she started probing the other bards in the area if they knew where the other light blue bards went. She asked, and asked, and asked until finally, she stumbled upon a light blue dressed male Roegadyn who was carrying not one, but four of the band members who were asleep all over his body accompanied by female Au Ra carrying another band member, both dressed in light blue."Hey miss, are you ok?" the Roegadyn asked as he sees Soojin relax."Oh, OH. YES!" She exclaimed loudly like she just found the answer to the universe. She points frantically at the sleeping band member, "Is she part of your band?""Oh! Nacho! Yes she is", the Roegadyn answered. "Um, I have my hands full carrying 4 people, and So can only carry one. Do you mind if you carry Nacho? It would be greatly appreciated."Soojin tilts her head, confused at the request. "Me? You don't even know me!"The Roegadyn laughs, "You are a good person. I know these things." So elbows him gently, "Don't be rude, introduce yourself" and Soojin was introduced to ChaonVision.

Soojin attended many concerts and shows of ChaonVision and other bands. She became interested in a lot of the genres these bands were playing. After a lot of ChaonVision shows, she would help carry Noe or Nacho home with them, even when Chaoff could carry them. She had as much fun with them after the shows as she did during shows. She became a member of ChaonVision by pure chance as 2C was sick, which So asked her to fill in because she's been to so many ChaonVision shows and she knows all the lyrics by heart. Soojin never told them what she used to do but she would be happy to. In the very first verse was a scream, she leaned heavily against her pop idol history, letting out heartily growled scream captivating more than just the crowd. The members of the band too as they were so astounded that they stopped playing in awe of Soojin's voice. She thought she did something wrong but the band just nodded at each other. 3C lifted Chaon up to the mic and Chaon yelled, "Our newest voluntold member Soojin!"Soojin's expertise with the entertainment industry helped out So Hai, as she managed the band. Unlike So Hai, which solved conflicts through death stares and stabbing glares, Soojin was a much more personal approach and her history being a leader really shined through. So Hai still manages the logistics, but Soojin took over as the defacto leader of the band for Chaon, so he can steal wallets during shows. Being with the ChaonVision, reignited her passion for music, and with the pressure to always be performing her best went away, she was having fun once again, even when she composes a song terribly or listens to Chaon put a tuba in everything.


Noe Noahc

The first member of the Multidimensional Chaon Brigade.Noe Noahc was fast asleep on the bench of New Gridania. She had fallen asleep waiting for her bard band The Drama Club to pick her up for a lucrative show they managed to score. The band had huddled around her, watching her sleep. Penelope gently poked her, “Wake up, sleepyhead. We got a show to do”. Noe’s eyes slowly fluttered open, only to see the barely recognizable blurred silhouettes of her band members. She got up quickly, only to lose her balance, falling onto the shallow waters below.

“Noe!”, several members shrieked as Noe splashed into the water. Noe held herself up in the water, holding her head. “Are you ok?” a band member asked as some of the band rushed down to Noe.Taking a moment to gather herself, “Yeah, I’m fi-”. The words trailed off as water became still enough to see her reflection and the surroundings. Time slowed as Noe’s eyes focused on the reflection. Edges of her reflection started to turn gray, and the word Chaon echoed through her mind. It got louder, and louder as the reflection became clearer to be someone else. She looked dumbfounded at the reflection and it returned the same. More and more she focused on the reflection, the less she realized the world as she knew it was darkening and escaping from her. The calls and beckons from her band fades from her mind, replaced by the calls and beckons for someone named Chaon but somehow in the same voices as her band. No longer is she looking at a reflection, but two people looking at each other the same way. Noe feels heavier, and heavier until she felt like she was falling towards this other person, but never getting closer. Screamed into the void as she couldn’t understand the situation. Louder, and louder with each passing second until POW.The world had returned, seeing her band members surrounding her with this uncomfortable look on their face. “Guys, I’m fine!” Chaon and Noe exclaimed in unison. They look at each other, making the same facial expressions. Akane loudly gasps as Penelope’s eyes widen.

Noe Noahc is a member of two different Drama Clubs, her home world and this world. An unexplained phenomenon happened when Chaon Eon and Noe Noahc fell into the waters of New Gridania in their own respective worlds. Noe explained she didn’t hit the ground when she fell, she continued while the world around her went dark before she appeared in our world, striking Chaon in the head moments later after he fell as she flew through the ground. Akane was the first to point out their very similar personalities and personal experiences. Although she was thrusted into a new world, all of it was pretty familiar to Noe and intertwined quickly as if nothing happened.Even though Chaon and Noe are friends, they constantly bicker and get on each other’s nerves. During one of the band practices, Penelope made a comment that Chaon and Noe’s names are just reversed of each other, which got Penelope a very big earful from both Chaon and Noe.


Na'chaon Ques'eon

Unlike Chaon and Noe, Na'chaon is a sweetheart and the little sister of the band. She too is a Multidimensional Chaon Brigade but doesn't have the same amount of chaos incarnate as the other two.
She was actually summoned through some Lalafellian dark magic from Chaon and Noe. Though she doesn't mean any harm, she often gets roped into the antics of Chaon and Noe.


So Hai

The band manager of ChaonVision.
Often seen hanging around La'lat, Na'chaon, and Chaoff.
Being childhood best friends with La'lat gives her all the tools to deal with Chaon and Noe when they get out of line. Chaon is actually scared of her.


La'lat Bun'bao

So Hai's best friend and joined ChaonVision when So Hai joined. He mostly sits on the sidelines pick pocketing people listening to ChaonVision while So Hai is occupied.


Chaoff Eon

Chaoff Eon is the good1 evil twin of Chaon Eon. Their parents thought Chaoff was the evil twin and locked him up in the attic during his childhood. How can two Lalafell's give birth to this giant Roegadyn? Chaoff spent most of his time just lifting whatever was in the attic and eating leftovers his parents gave him. It wasn't until years later when the parents realized Chaon was the evil one all long and Chaoff wouldn't hurt a fly1 they were right all along.1 edited by Chaon Eon

Despite his large stature, Chaoff is the gentlest person out there. He doesn't have an onze of an evil bone in his body. Often he is seen carrying bugs away from the Llama house when the other members are squealing at him to kill it.


Two'chaons innacoat

It's exactly as the name implies, it's Chaon and Noe hiding in a coat. It's their way of trying to get away with buying one ticket at a lot of venues.
How is it that Two'chaons Innacoat exists at the same time of Chaon and Noe? We don't ask questions.


three'chaons innacoat

Chaon, Noe, plus Na'chaon. Just like Two'chaons, Three'chaons is Chaon and Noe being even cheaper when Na'chaon appeared. Unfortunately, they can get into nowhere because So Hai stops them before they can even make the attempt.


Drama Hana

You can't have a band without Drama!


Upcoming schedule

ChaonVision has no schedules shows.
For now...


Upcoming schedule

March 26, 20259-10 PM ESTExodus Empyreum W6 P56Grimlin's Lair


We don't publish a songlist.


Hire these Chaos potatos

Please contact @tboneofyork on Discord
Email : [email protected]
to inquire about hiring.


Chaonic Mondays

The Drama Club presents: Chaonic Mondays Open Mic
Are you feeling a different vibe tonight? Do you want to let loose after work or school and set fire to the world?
Come join ChaonVision and several other bands as we burn down the ground, slap it, or just straight up serenade it at the Dynamis Seraph New Gridania x11y11.
I, Chaon Eon, will unfortunately be your host. The rules are simple
x Anything goes as long as it adheres to 2 songs or 10 minutes, which comes first.
x If you did not make the arrangement, let us know who did.
x The order of the rotation will be based on the signups, first come, first serve. Any new signups will be placed at the end of the round.
x Rules are meant to be broken, or followed but you will get the hose if you disregard them.
If you want to sign up early for the event, please contact Chaon Eon on discord or the super spiffy, new and state of the art email [email protected]. Signups will end at 8:30 CST.